Director, 100/50 Celebration, Columbia Business School


Storyteller, producer, and entertainment executive Frantz Cayo has worked in the entertainment industry building and creating content, experiences and entertainment platforms for Gen X, Millennials and Gen Z consumers for over twenty years. He has used his expertise for big brands such as MLB, ESPN, Red Bull, Afro Punk, Fox Soul and BET. Frantz graduated from Cornell University with a BS in Industrial and Labor Relations and an MBA in Marketing and Media from Columbia University (2000).

He is currently the Director of the 100/50 Celebration at Columbia Business School. He loves the cultural aspect of NYC and Frantz also occasionally does open mic comedy in his spare time. He lives in Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn, where he used to play Santa in the 4th coolest neighborhood in the world according to Time Out Magazine with his wife and four children ages, 18, 17, 14, and 13.